August 17, 2018 Ben Steiniger

1 Amazing Spider-Man #212
WRITER: Denny O'Neil ARTIST: John Romita, Jr. With all the available Spidey villains, rumor has it that Hydro-Man is going to be in the next movie? Really? Anyway, this was a $10-20 book last week and now it's $60-100+.

2 Carnage: Mind Bomb #1
WRITER: Warren Ellis ARTIST: Kyle Hotz So as I was writing this on Thursday, prices had risen from $10-20 up to $30-50. When I woke up this morning, they were exceeding $100?!?! Is this really worth more than ASM #361??

3 The Rejected #NN
WRITER: Stan Konopka ARTIST: Corey Anderson High cover price, super obscure publisher. The story premise sounds interesting but $20-30 seems a bit steep for my taste.

4 Amazing Spider-Man FCBD 2007
WRITER: Dan Slott ARTIST: Phil Jimenez So Matt DeVoe talked about this one on our Flipside podcast. I'm not still very bullish on a Free comic, but apparently this is Spider-Man week and this one is hitting $20ish at the moment.

5 The Kitchen #1 Ming Doyle 1:13 Variant
WRITER: Ollie Masters ARTIST: Ming Doyle No specific news on this upcoming movie, but it was mentioned in a prominent comic website's article about female comic movies. That mention pushed this from a $10 book to the $30 range. McCarthy and Haddish are big stars, but we will see if a successful movie will keep this one on the wanted list.

6 Aquaman (Vol. 6) #39 Josh Middleton Variant
WRITER: Dan Abnett ARTIST: Joe Bennett Definitely not as hot as some were hoping for, but still selling in the $10-15 range. For my Middleton/Mera money, I actually prefer #10…but, this one makes the list based on the volume of sales alone.

7 Infinity Wars #2 Unmasked Variant
WRITER: Gerry Duggan ARTIST: Mike Deodato There are a bunch of these out there. People still want it based on the volume of sales in the $15-20 range. These ‘secret' variants do generate sales so I would expect to see more of them in the future.

8 Vampirella: Roses For the Dead #1 Mike Mayhew ‘Virgin' Variant /500
WRITER: Kristina Deak-Linsner ARTIST: Joseph Michael Linsner Hughes/Catwoman, JSC/Black Cat, Lee/Batman…Mayhew/Vampirella? Some people are just made to do a character. This gorgeous cover can be had around the $50 mark right now.

9 Star Wars: The Last Jedi #4 Rod Reis 1:25 Variant
WRITER: Gary Whitta ARTIST: Michael Walsh Returning to the list, these have virtually vanished from eBay. Now selling for $60-70. The price progression reminds me of the Quesada Force Awakens variant.

10 Riptide #1
WRITER: Scott Chitwood ARTIST: Danny Luckert Hate all you want on some of these indies, but someone is buying them. I feel sorry for the people that trash books that they didn't ‘predict' would be hot. For the record, I missed buying in on every book on this weeks list except for 1 (and this one isn't it)–so please, come at me with your ridiculous accusations of price manipulation. Prices are up from last week and are now hitting $20-30.