Top Ten
1 Fantastic Four #48
WRITER: Stan Lee ARTIST: Jack Kirby Is this the new IH#181 where it continues to increase in value every day? Records are being broken in all grades. For example, a 6.0 sold for a record $1150, then $1350 and now $1950…all within the past 2 weeks. Even the True Believers reprint can get you $10 right now.
2 Nameless #1
WRITER: Grant Morrison ARTIST: Chris Burnham People are guessing that the secret horror movie that has already been filmed is based on this book, because of a symbol that James Gunn tweeted a month ago. Prices rose from cover price to upwards of $50 and have settled back in the $20-25 range as a result.
3 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #10 Gabriele Dell'Otto 1:25 Variant
WRITER: Dan Slott ARTIST: Olivier Coipel In Topher's ‘True Firsts' article this week, he mentions this 1st Appearance of Anarchic Spider-Man and with all the Spidey versions seeing heat, why not this one? I guess people agree as this one is now bringing $40+.
4 Bloodborne #1
WRITER: Ales Kot ARTIST: Piotr Kowalski Mel V mentioned this one on the Unpressable Defects podcast this week. It has been a solid mover now for a few weeks and it's bringing in $25-30 at the moment.
5 The Rejected #NN
WRITER: Stan Konopka ARTIST: Corey Anderson It's interesting to see all the NM- or lower copies that are for sale at the moment. The increase in available copies hasn't deterred this one at this point as it is now hitting up to $50.
6 Star Wars: The Last Jedi #4 Rod Reis 1:25 Variant
WRITER: Gary Whitta ARTIST: Michael Walsh It is rare that a book makes the Hot 10 3 times in a short amount of time. This one has done it slow and steady and is now up to $120.
7 Sentry #1
WRITER: Paul Jenkins ARTIST: Jae Lee This has been a good book for a while but had settled into the $20-25 range. Recent sales are now $50 or more.
8 Rune vs Venom #1
WRITER: Chris Ulm ARTIST: Bruce McCorkindale 1st appearance of Bat-Venom? Is it safe to say at this point that all 90's Venom and Carnage books should probably be picked up at this point? NM copies will run you $25-30 or more right now.
9 Justice League #30
WRITER: Geoff Johns ARTIST: Ivan Reis This, along with Green Lantern #20 and JL #31, 1st Appearance of Jessica Cruz is finally seeing a nice uptick. This one is pushing $20 at the moment.
10 Batman: Kings of Fear Bill Sienkiewicz Variant
WRITER: Scott Peterson ARTIST: Kelley Jones Kelley Jones is back and personally, I love Scarecrow/Batman stories as well. This one is selling $10+ right now because it has a great sin-KEV-itch cover.